Lili M. Rampre

Lili M. Rampre (°Sliaoven) received her BS in Physics. She pursued her dance education and moved to Germany, where she obtained her MA diploma at HfMDK, Frankfurt. In the past her artistic engagements as a choreographer as well as a performer have been supported by various venues and institutions: Mousonturm, Modul dance, Hessische Theaterakademie, Pact Zollverein, tanzrecherche NRW, Akademie der Künste der Welt Köln, Tanzhaus NRW, where she is still active. After finishing a.pass, artistic research program in Brussels, Lili has continued with her choreographic practice in Research Cycle at P.A.R.T.S.
Lili is since based in Brussels and is currently a resident in Workspace Brussels, furthering her investigations into Transtexting - a choreographic tool and collective writing practice. It explores the body’s implication in poetic production of text, positioning the body and its movement as a listening aid, acting as a filter; a net capturing words, syntax and sounds. Transtexting method allows spending time differently with texts and voices that are currently strong or long gone, past thinkers, poets and authors, but nevertheless pertinent to our time.